Saturday, May 9, 2009

Use your body before it expires...Get Fit Today

Hi there,

I mentioned before that I would drill deeper into the science of nutrition & the benefits of vitamin/mineral absorption, but first allow me to discuss the all importance of EXERCISE, because without exercise there is not much point in adjusting your diet!  When we exercise, no matter what the type of work-out or for how long, it will have a positive effect on both your physical & mental well-being.  Just 30 minutes a day will dramatically improve your fitness level, maintain your weight, & leave you feeling generally good about yourself.  You see, when you work-out & your body reaches a certain temperature, endorphins are released into your blood-stream.  Endorphins are the bodies natural stimulant and feels like a shot of adrenaline rushing around your body - its THIS that generates the feel-good factor.  You would be amazed at how good you can feel after a rigorous work-out, combined with a good eating plan.

My particular favorite form of exercise is Martial Arts, which I have been practising for some time now but I also attend the gym for general fitness.  The type of exercise you choose is entirely up to you but I recommend that you attend a a personal trainer/gym to obtain a first assessment because this will gauge your current state of health to determine what your fitness level is & from here a programme can be tailored to meet your specific needs.  If you feel really out of shape & generally fatigued then I suggest that you first visit your local GP just to get a check-up to see if there are any under-lying issues & advise your doctor about your intention to alter your diet & fitness level.  He/She will then make relevant recommendations/safety guidelines etc.  SAFETY is paramount when attempting to alter your lifestyle in a dramatic way.  You must ensure to make these changes gradual because remember, Rome was not built in a day!

Stay tuned for later updates.


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